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Balance the cost with SterlingOSB Zero PrimedPlus vs plywood 

Headline price is an important consideration with regards to any building material; yet, when something is new and radically different to the apparent alternatives, it is important to weigh up all the factors.  

SterlingOSB Zero PrimedPlus requires no painting, so is ready for immediate use on site in a variety of roles, including hoardings. No preparation time is required, making it an economical choice on many projects. The surface coat comprises of a high-quality, cross-linked epoxy acylate, UV-cured coating, giving it a very even finish and, unlike plywood, protection against the weather.  The edges, meanwhile, are sealed with a wax-impregnated treatment to reduce water ingress.   

Standard sheets of SterlingOSB Zero typically cost 15-30% less than plywood panels of equivalent size and thickness, the company says, partly because orientated strand boards are produced from smaller trees, forest thinnings and waste timber that might otherwise become landfill.  




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